Pozitif tani hikayesi 3
I have to say, mine was AWFUL. I was sick as a dog. My lymph nodes were so swollen, extremely sore throat, fever 103-104 for over a week. It's finally pretty much at bay, but whoa Jack!
I have to say, mine was AWFUL. I was sick as a dog. My lymph nodes were so swollen, extremely sore throat, fever 103-104 for over a week. It's finally pretty much at bay, but whoa Jack!
Mine was pretty bad. Started out with minor leg pains that got so severe I could barely walk. I had a sore throat, my mouth was covered with Thrush that eventually went down my throat. I had a rash that started mid-back up to my chin. Several episodes of diarrhea, no vomiting though. All of this lasted a week in which during that time I was thought to of had leukemia. I was infected on Dec 24, 2007, became ill on Jan 3, 2008 and tested postive on Feb 12, 2008.
I was the sickest I've ever been. I woke up one morning and just couldn't move. The doc came to see me, took some bloods and they came back as positive for mono and CMV. Apparently my white blood cells looked bad as well - I asked 'could HIV cause that?' (I knew I had put myself at risk), they did a HIV test but that was negative. I then spent 8 weeks off work sick. I had chronic diarrhea, lost 34% of my body weight, suffered nightsweats, joint pains, fever, fatigue, headaches, couldn't eat anything, tonsillitis and came out in a rash all over my body which didn't itch. About the only thing I didn't get was a cold! I just had no energy to do anything. I'd get help into the shower and just curl up and cry. I eventually got out to hospital and tested positive for HIV, secondary syphilis, chlamydia and giardia. This all started Feb 08. I've now had to start meds because my bloods never recovered from seroconversion and they should have done well before now.
Aklima takildi size de bir sorayim. Soulbravein pozitifligine inaniyorum ben de ama 90gun sonra yapilan testin neden yalnizca biri pozitif geldi sizce? Roche sizce neden pozitif gelmedi 90 gun gectigi halde?
Arkadaslar 90 pozitif alan soulbravein sonucuyla ilgili bi gelisme var mi? Duzeni arayip durumu soran oldu mh acaba? Ya da bu arkadasin akibetini nasil ogreniriz sizce?
Arkadaslar soulbrave diye bi arkadas duzende 90. gun pozitif almisti. Arkadastan daha sonra haber alan oldu mu?
Merhaba arkadaslar. Yaptirdiginiz 3. ve 4. kusak testlerin sonuclarini kan verdikten ne kadar sonra aliyorsunuz? Bir de makro ve mikro elisa arasindaki farki bilen var mi? Arastirma hastanesinde yaltirdigim restin sonucu birkac saat icinde aciklandi ve makro elisa yaziyor icime dert oldu. Bilgisi olan varsa nolur bi yardimci olsun.
Mutlaka herkes arastirmistir ama yine bahsetmek istedim. Supheli iliskiden sonra hiv ile infekte olmussaniz aids degil hiv+ siniz. Ve Antiretroviral Tedaviye infekte oldugunuz ilk birkac yil icinde baslarsaniz aidsten degil yaslaninca kalp krizinden olme ihtimaliniz cok cok yuksek. Buraya basvuran herkes panik icinde evet. Ama bu aids oldum mu diyen ve dehset icindeki arkadaslar burada pozitif cikabilecek birinin hayatini iyice karartmaktan baska birsey yapmiyor. Icinizi rahatlatin hiv+ olmak sadece gunde 1 ya da 2 ilac almak, saglikli beslenip sigarayi birakmak ve biraz da egzersiz yapmak disinda hayatinizda bir degisiklik yapmiyor. Bahsettiginiz durumlar 90larin baslarina kadardi arkadaslar. Benim bu sikintili surecte duymak istedigim evet simdi negatifim ama 90da pozitif cikarsam ne olacakti. Ve arastirmak icimi rahatlatti. Umarim sizde de ise yarar. Yasam suresi ve kalitesiyle ilgili ulusal ve uluslararasi bilimsel kaynaklar icin yardimci olabilirim.
Selamlar. Tunus düzende 117. gun negatifimi aldim cok sukur. Yalniz bir sorum olacak. Duzende pozitif alindigini gordugunuz oldu mu? Akredite, vidas falan filan biliyorum ama daha once duzenden pozitif alan birine denk geldiniz mi? Noropatim ve lap im devam ediyor cunku atamiyorum kafamdan.