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Pozitif tani alma hikayelerinin cevirilerini paylasiyorum

I was the sickest I've ever been. I woke up one morning and just couldn't move. The doc came to see me, took some bloods and they came back as positive for mono and CMV. Apparently my white blood cells looked bad as well - I asked 'could HIV cause that?' (I knew I had put myself at risk), they did a HIV test but that was negative. I then spent 8 weeks off work sick. I had chronic diarrhea, lost 34% of my body weight, suffered nightsweats, joint pains, fever, fatigue, headaches, couldn't eat anything, tonsillitis and came out in a rash all over my body which didn't itch. About the only thing I didn't get was a cold! I just had no energy to do anything. I'd get help into the shower and just curl up and cry. I eventually got out to hospital and tested positive for HIV, secondary syphilis, chlamydia and giardia. This all started Feb 08. I've now had to start meds because my bloods never recovered from seroconversion and they should have done well before now.


  1. Gambit
    8 yıl önce

    Kisaltilmis ceviri: hic olmadigim kadar hasta olmustum. Doktor gordu. Mono ve cmv testlerim pozitif geldi. Hiv olabilir mi diye sordum. Test yapildi ve negatif geldi. 8 hafta hastalik yuzunden ise gidemedim. Kronik ishal, 4 kilo kaybi, ates, eklem agrisi, halsizlik, bas agrisi, tum vucuda yayilmis dokuntu... sonuc olarak bu arkadas 2008 ocakta infekte olmus ve 2008 subatta tani almis.

  2. Gambit
    8 yıl önce

    4 kilo kaybi olacak.

  3. Gambit
    8 yıl önce

    Yuzde 34. Yazamadim:)

  4. Sermaye
    8 yıl önce

    Yani 1 sene sonra mı tanı almış 8 hafta işe gitmemiş hastalık yüzünde 2 ay demek bu ama 2008 ocakta infekte olduysa 2008 şıbatta nasıl tanı alıyor tam anlıyamadım ben

  5. Gambit
    8 yıl önce

    Tani alinca akut belirtiler gecmiyor ne yazik ki. Ocak 2008de infekte olmus 1 ay sonra tani almis ve belirtiler akut retroviral sendrom 8 hafta kadar surundurmus adami.

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