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adreste bulunan sayfayı biliyorum. eski hiv/aids factsheet sayfası, güncel who sitesinden erişimi bulunmamakta. farkettiysen sayfanın en altındaki kaynakçaların en günceli 1997 yılına ait. güncel sayfa için şu adrese tıklayabilirsin. Diagnosis Serological tests, such as RDTs or enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), detect the presence or absence of antibodies to HIV-1/2 and/or HIV p24 antigen. When such tests are used within a testing strategy according to a validated testing algorithm, HIV infection can be detected with great accuracy. It is important to note that serological tests detect antibodies produced by an individual as part of their immune system to fight off foreign pathogens, rather than direct detection of HIV itself. Most individuals develop antibodies to HIV-1/2 within 28 days and therefore antibodies may not be detectable early after infection, the so-called window period. This early period of infection represents the time of greatest infectivity; however HIV transmission can occur during all stages of the infection. It is best practice to also retest all people initially diagnosed as HIV-positive before they enrol in care and/or treatment to rule out any potential testing or reporting error. ikinci olarak ise, Window period What is the "window-period" and how long is it? This is the time between original infection with HIV and the appearance of Detectable antibodies to the virus, normally a period of about 14-21 days.


  1. Öğrenci Genç
    7 yıl önce

    Adamın bahsettiği olay 1997 öncesi olay ben de dahil olmak üzere hepimizin kafasını siktin 3335 Allah seni de kurtarsın bu dertten inşallah atlatırsın bu psikolojiyi çünkü bizim de fazlasıyla kafamızı siktin

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