(Bi arkadaşın araştırması) Dr. Handsfield 47. gün Duo olan hastasının sorusuna aynen sunu diyor: 47. gun Duo olupta HIV tasıyıcısı olsan ya antijen ya da antikor pozitif cıkardı. Her ikisinin de negatif olup HIV tasıyıcısı olman imkansız sonuc kesin diyor . H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.Blank Welcome to the forum. Without even reading your quesition -- which I have not yet done -- I probably can give you an accurate reply based only on the title. It is not possible to have HIV and have a negative duo test (for both HIV antibody and p24 antigen) 47 days after exposure. Also, test results always overrule symptoms; there are no exceptions. Therefore, it doesn't matter what symptoms you may have. They are not due to HIV. Now I have read the question itself. I nailed it. In addition to the test results and timing, you describe an essentially zero risk situation with respect to HIV, i.e. it is exceedingly unlikely your partner is infected. Further, your symptoms are not typical for HIV, despite what you think you learned by searching online or elsewhere. And even if they were, it wouldn't matter: symptoms identical to HIV usually are due to other, more common, day-to-day infections. To your specific questions: 1) Your test results are conclusive. 2) It doesn't matter what sort of cases I have seen personally. Nobody has ever had a patient with negative duo test at 47 days who later tested positive. 3) You should not have any more tests for HIV. If you or your partner continue to have symptoms you are concerned about, see a doctor or clinic. But you can be 100% confident you did not catch HIV from the exposures described. Regards-- HHH, MD Sorunun linki http://www.medhelp.org/posts/HIV---Prevention/HIV-DUO-TESTS-AT-47-DAYS---SYMPTOMS-ARE-TELLING-ME-TEHY-ARE-WRONG/show/1554943#post_answer_header Ve doktorun tecrübesini merak edenler için hocanın biyografisi Doktor 1968 mezunu amerikan cinsel yolla bulasan hastalıklar dernegi baskanı aynı zamanda uluslarası dernek baskanlıklarıda var. http://www.medhelp.org/doctor_profiles/show/239123 Sadece lütfen saglam yeni nesil test cihazları ile test olun ve bu cihazı 100 binlerce dolar getirtip özel egitimli asistan tutup surekli yuksek ucretler ile kıtlerı yurtdısından getiren doktorlara inanın. 2. nesil elizaya denk gelmisseniz 3 ay 6 ay devam edin. Bu forumda okuduklarıma göre bazı doktorlar daha hastalarına testlerin tipini soyleyemiyor ama hastasına 6 ay diyor

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