Adamlar bunu 2008-de soylemish, shimdi 2016


BASHH Statement on HIV window period 15 March 2010 HIV testing using the latest (4th generation) tests are recommended in the BHIVA/BASHH/BIS UK guidelines for HIV testing (2008). These assays [tests] test for HIV antibodies and p24 antigen simultaneously. They will detect the great majority of individuals who have been infected with HIV at one month (4 weeks) after specific exposure. Patients attending for HIV testing who identify a specific risk occurring more that 4 weeks previously, should not be made to wait 3 months (12 weeks) before HIV testing. They should be offered a 4th generation laboratory HIV test and advised that a negative result at 4 weeks post exposure is very reassuring/highly likely to exclude HIV infection. An additional HIV test should be offered to all persons at 3 months (12 weeks) to definitively exclude HIV infection. Patients at lower risk may opt to wait until 3 months to avoid the need for HIV testing twice. Information on this website is provided by treatment advocates and offered as a guide only. Decisions about your treatment should always be taken in consultation with your doctor. Korunmali ve ya korunmasiz kesinlikle zina illetine bulashmayin. Dilerim her kesin ikinci shansi olsun. Ama buda herkese iyi bir ders olsun.


HIV ab/ag testler 4 haftada 95% yakaliyo diyor. Ama tam emin olmak icin 12. hafta yeterlidir diyor. Ama az riskli davranishta olanlar 2 defa test yaptirmamak icin 3 ay sonunda 1 defa olsunlar yeter diyor. 3 ay; gecenler, hala neyi bekliyorsunuz burda?


kardesim ne olur ne biter diye dusunmek insani bitiriyo 120 hiv duo ultra ve 130 elisa var ama kasik agrilarim bogaz agrim devam ediyo dil sari beyaz tabaka 1 aydir gecmiyo hayatim da ilk defa dilim boyle oldu her sabah bu dili gorup te unutmak kolay olmuyo


Bak vy kardes, internette arastirma yaparken bu bilgilerin tarihine bakacaksin. 120-ci gun 4. nesil olmushsun. asagidaki makaleyi oku HIV test accuracy, results and further testing Are HIV tests accurate? Yes. Modern HIV tests are very accurate. This accuracy has to be considered with the window period. For example, 4th generation tests will pick up 95% of infections at 28 days after exposure. A confirmatory test three months after the exposure is always recommended. This is because 5% of people take this long to show a positive result. A positive test result is routinely confirmed using a different type of test called western blot. The western blot test looks for immune responses to specific HIV proteins and is 100% accurate as a confirmatory test. Can anything affect the result of my HIV test? HIV antibody tests, confirmed by the second test, are not affected by other circumstances. This includes infections, medications, most vaccinations, putting on weight, eating or drinking anything before the test, use of alcohol or recreational drugs, mouthwash or time of day. Your test result is accurate even if you had flu or a cold or are using any medication. You do not need to fast before your test. Food and drink do not affect the results. Do I need to take another test? This will depend on how recent your last exposure was. As part of good practice, if the exposure was less than three months ago then testing at three months after exposure is usually recommended. Can it take longer than three months for a test to work? This is so unlikely that UK guidelines consider a negative result three months after an exposure as being HIV negative. Is a negative test 100% accurate? HIV tests after the 3 month window are more than 99.97% accurate. They work for all types and subtypes of HIV. Very few medical tests have 100% accuracy. There will still be rare cases where someone is HIV positive and not picked up. However, HIV tests are one of the more accurate tests for any medical infection. Tests showing a negative result are ‘interpreted’ as negative. If the result is negative three months after exposure your result is interpreted as negative. This assumes you have had no further risks. At this point you can stop worrying. This is the purpose of testing. Learn from the experience you have gone through in taking a test. Learn about how to protect yourself in the future so you don’t have to go through this stress again. This will enable you to make informed decisions and to look after your sexual health. If the result is negative four weeks after the exposure, this tells you that you are very likely to be HIV negative. The test after three months will confirm this. What is a ‘false negative’ test result? A false negative test result occurs when the test shows negative and the person is really HIV positive. This is very rare and usually occurs during the window period when people are newly infected but the test can’t quite pick up the infection. As with other types of tests, there is always be a small margin of error. With antibody-only tests (3rd generation) only 0.3% of tests (3 tests in every 1000) will be a false negative after 3 months. With 4th generation tests this is even lower. In practice, a negative result after three months means you do not have HIV. You do not need to test again unless you expose yourself further in the future. What is a ‘false positive’ test result? A false positive test is when the test result shows positive but the person is really negative. This can happen with antibody tests when the test picks up antibodies for other infectious agents. Approximately 1.5% (15 out of every 1000) antibody tests are a false positive. The fourth generation tests have a much lower chance of a false positive. This means that a small percentage of people who test positive on a rapid test (where the results are given within an hour) may turn out to be HIV negative. A second blood sample will be tested in a lab to look for this. If your blood test was originally performed in a laboratory, a positive result would have already been confirmed before giving you this result. All positive laboratory tests in the UK are routinely confirmed using a second type of test called western blot that is 100% accurate. 1 June 2016


Ben sana kisaca ozet geceyim: 85. gunden sonra 3. nesilde yanilma payi 1000-de 3 tur diyor, yalanci negatif yani. Ama 4. cu nesil Ingilterede 3. ay sabit ve kesindir. Bu kadar. Tevbe et ve kapat


okudum kardesim çeviri programi var hepsini okudum gayet guzel anlatmis zaten yabanci kaynaklarda sikinti yok 2013 ten sonraki yazilarin hepsini okudum ben tum yabanci sitelere girdim 3 ay dio adamlar sikinti yok benim kafami karistiran you tube de bi video var prof dr huseyin bilmem ne adam 6 ay diyo canimi sikti prof dr volkan korten ise 3 ay diyo ama antijen suresinde test yaptirmadigim icin endise ediyorum birazda


o zaman simdi sordugum bir soruya bak, 1996 ci yil hiv guideline. 20 yil once 3. ay 97% diyor. aradan 20 yil gecmish kardesh. Hala ne 6 ayi? 20 yilnan shimdini nasil kiyaslayacaksin? Nokia 1100-la Iphone 7ni kiyasla, o zaman anlayacaksin


kardesim ben bu iliskiden sonra bel soguklugu oldum ama adam akilli tedavi gormedi eczaneden cipro antibiyotik aldim biraz kullandim akinti kesildi ama 1 ay sonra bi daha basladi sonra 1 kutu daha ictim tam tedavi olamadim buyuk ihtimal idrar verdim bisey cikmadi ama hemogram testinden pct degeri yuksek cikti arastirdim biraz bakteriyel enfeksiyon sebep olurmus genelde bu gonore bakteriyel enfeksiyon acaba kana mi karisti diyorum kendi kendime cunki vucudumu taniyorum ben kardesim normal degil diz kapaklarinda gezici agrilar var 1 ay sonra ankaraya gidecem duzen lab da son bi test olacam insallah negatif gelir o zaman gidip guzel ce bi hastanede check up yaptiracam insallah


en zoruda test sonucunu almaya gitmek kardesim omurden omur gidiyo


Bak artik rahat ol, kac yasindasin sen?


30 kardes sen?


Ben 32, zaman gelecek bu gunleri arkadaslik hatiralari gibi hatirlicaz


insallah kardesim bu bi sinav benim icin tovbe ettim Allahima yalvardim namaza basladim ne kadar bos yasamisim bunca zaman onu anladim herseyin degerini kiymetini anladim ve ne kadar zayif oldugumu anladim bi anda herseyi kaybedecek olmamin ne kadar aci oldugunu anladim.. 1 ay sonra Allahimin izniyle kurtulacam insallah bu psikolojiden

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